

Introducing Zenlayer Global Accelerator

Zenlayer’s new PaaS service offers instant application acceleration across-borders 

With Internet economies blooming, companies of all sizes are looking to tap into opportunities in the fastest growing Internet regions in the world. According to Standard Chartered, 49% of U.S. companies say their best growth opportunities exist outside of their home region while 52% of U.S. companies consider Europe their most important region for outbound investment. Asia (42%), the Middle East (37%), and Africa (15%) are all top targets for U.S. businesses.

However, expanding internationally can be very challenging. End-users today expect instant access to digital services, regardless of location. Companies therefore need to ensure fast and efficient connectivity to meet customer expectations, drive sales, and maintain productivity. Stable, secure, and high-speed connectivity are imperative for success.

Zenlayer now offers Zenlayer Global Accelerator (ZGA) —a groundbreaking network acceleration service that enhances interactive digital experiences for businesses serving globally distributed users. Keep reading to learn how ZGA helps businesses create powerful digital experiences for distributed users, and why it’s a game-changer for organizations expanding across borders.

Connectivity: A top challenge for multinational businesses 

Global end users today expect instant access to websites, platforms, and applications, regardless of their location. The slightest delay frustrates users and impedes workflows.

Most companies still lack the infrastructure for true real-time connectivity. Businesses often need to ship data hundreds or thousands of miles before it reaches end users. This leads to delays, security issues, and poor audio and video performance. For organizations like live streaming and gaming providers, poor connectivity can lead to serious consequences like customer churn, negative reviews, and lost profits.

Multinational enterprises with distributed workers are also at risk from poor connectivity. Global companies often experience reduced SaaS application performance, slow synchronization across regional cloud services, and inefficient cross-border downloads. These issues can negatively impact productivity, and lower morale. Imagine losing connectivity to Salesforce when trying to close a deal. There is no room for this type of error, but it happens frequently.

Solution: Zenlayer Global Accelerator 

Zenlayer Global Accelerator (ZGA) is a network acceleration service built on Zenlayer’s expansive global private network that provides instant access to the origin server by creating a stable, high-speed connection to the nearest node.

ZGA goes beyond traditional acceleration services, allowing businesses to accelerate any type of application using a simple API call or web-based configuration, regardless of location. The PaaS product has an enhanced Linux Kernel, and a flexible architecture supporting a range of protocols from layer 4 to layer 7. ZGA supports UDP, TCP, HTTP(S), and proprietary protocols.

Businesses can now leverage this new service to instantly accelerate applications, websites, platforms, and software without provisioning or managing infrastructure. ZGA reduces long-haul data transmissions, eliminating latency, jitter, and packet loss and enabling seamless, real-time communication from just about anywhere on earth.

How Does ZGA work?

The traditional approach to network acceleration usually involves providing middle mile service across two points of presence (PoPs). ZGA goes a few steps further, offering intelligent acceleration across the first, middle, and last mile. In the first mile, ZGA offers direct connections to the public cloud. For the middle mile, ZGA provides instant acceleration across PoP locations using the Zenlayer SDN backbone. The last mile involves first detecting the user’s access area using smart DNS and providing access to the nearest local ZGA PoP. ZGA last mile connections average under 25 ms.

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Typical Deployment Scenarios  

There are two common usage scenarios for ZGA including origin acceleration and third-party content acceleration. Origin acceleration customers typically include SaaS provides and internet content providers like gaming companies and organizations offering video services. Zenlayer can also work with multinational enterprises. For example, a company may use ZGA to accelerate SaaS solutions like Amazon Chime and Console, SAP, Salesforce, NetSuite, Zoom, and GitHub.

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ZGA in Action: How Customers Are Using the Service?

Lilith is a leading SLG gaming provider that needed to reduce latency, jitter and packet loss when serving globally distributed players. ZGA helps the company to avoid public internet congestion and the hassle to build out its own infrastructure, allowing Lilith to provide seamless interactive in-game experience to global users, especially in regions far away from their central servers.

Cross-border eCommerce
iShopshop is a global shopping platform that was experiencing long wait times on its website. ZGA reduces global access delay to 400 ms. In addition, Zenlayer provides four layers of acceleration service for multi-domain IP reuse through ZGA, reducing operational costs and helping conserve resources.

Online payment
Geoswift provides cross-border payment services, with most of its merchants operating in mainland China serving overseas customers. Geoswift uses ZGA to reduce service delays for international transactions. This provides greater speed and stability for customers.

Food and beverage
Guangzhou Juniubao Biological Technology serves the food and beverage industry, with a focus on the European and U.S. markets. The company’s online shopping website was experiencing long page load times, which was frustrating for customers. The problem was especially bad in the U.S.  ZGA drastically reduces wait times, enabling the company to respond to requests much faster.

Global Enterprise
A mid-size business headquartered in US has large offices in Asia and Europe. Its employees in Asia have connection issue with Microsoft Teams, Salesforce and NetSuite, and its US employees have issues connecting to the HR system hosted in Asia. ZGA helps to speed up the SAAS connections for the company and improve the productivity of its global workforce.

Benefits of ZGA 

1. Cross-border coverage
Zenlayer’s network spans six continents, offering high-speed connectivity to global destinations throughout emerging markets. The network features over 180 global edge points of presence (PoPs), offering 20+ Tbps of bandwidth capacity, and direct internet connections. Zenlayer maintains extensive relationships with local and global telecom operators and guarantees efficient transmissions from any location across more than 230 private lines.

2. Multiple Acceleration Modes
ZGA supports acceleration through multiple protocols such as TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, UDP, WSS, SSH, FTP and enables MUC & Client access, for maximum flexibility.

3. Self-service
ZGA lets customers create and manage connections in no time at all with a user-friendly Console. featuring 24/7 global coverage, flexible payment options, and self-service activation.

4. Security
The platform contains enhanced security features like source site hiding, source site load balancing, and real-time monitoring. Additional security features include SSL-encrypted data transmissions, IP access control lists (IP ACLs), distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection, and web application firewalls.

5. Wow Service
Customer support should be a dealbreaker when partnering with a global connectivity partner. ZGA comes with full access to Zenlayer’s advanced technical team. 24-hour support is available at Zenlayer’s network operations center (NOC) for rapid response troubleshooting. Zenlayer resolves more than 95% of issues within 4 hours.

Experience the power of ZGA
Zenlayer is now offering a special promotion. Customers can try ZGA for one-month free and receive a $100 Amazon gift card by arranging a 30-minute ZGA consultation. This offer is valid through October 1, 2021.

To learn more about ZGA by visit the product page. Or jump in and try the platform.

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