

IP Transit

Anycast overview Anycast is a network addressing and routing method that attributes a single IP address to multiple servers in a network. The idea behind anycast is that data is sent to the closest server based on the location of the user request. By doing so, the user can reduce network hops and latency, reducing…
With global expansion, increased smartphone penetration rates and increased connectivity, live streaming apps have quickly gained popularity across China. Micro-video apps in particular have seen explosive growth. According to a QuestMobile report, the number of micro-video app users reached 410 million in 2017, a growth of 116.5% since 2016, while micro-video app usage time accounted…
  Your IT infrastructure is the foundation your business runs on. Managing your own IT infrastructure is challenging, yet it is mission critical. Working with an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) company can reduce risk and ensures uptime. With the right IT infrastructure and correct deployment strategies, there’s no limit to how much your business is can do. Here…
Your bandwidth is like traffic – the more your put through, the more congested it is. Bandwidth is the commodity every business needs, but usually they have either too much or too little. What many businesses overlook is the importance of flexible bandwidth. By flexing and scaling up bandwidth, you get a custom solution that meets your business…

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